I completed many tasks today. Along with getting a lot accomplished, I realized, once again, that the first rule of getting things done is to Stay Away From The Computer. As a result, I've been offline all day, but look at what's done:
- Plied 2 bobbins of silk for Marin County Fair entry.
- Went out for breakfast.
- Went to Home Depot for the paint to finally paint the siding.
- Went to Lowe's for gardening supplies (they didn't have them).
- Went to Mid-City Nursery for gardening supplies (success!)
- Purchased the sprinklers needed to handwater the gardens.
- Purchased the peat pots I needed to start my weld seeds.
- Weeded the herb garden.
- Watered everything.
- Plied the rest of the Romney/Coopworth I spun last week.
- Wet-finished the silk 2-ply (see above).
- Weeded the big flower bed.
- Wove the second linen huck towel.
- Had dinner.
- Cut the linen huck towels off the loom and wet-finished them.
- Cleaned the studio.
- Photographed all my CNCH purchases.
- Updated my stash and project notes.
- Wrote a blog entry.
I think that's enough for today.