Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Doing...Or Writing About Doing

Has it really been four months since the last blog post?

The only explanation/excuse/reason I can offer is that I've been busy. Very, very busy. I've been doing a lot of weaving, running a business, establishing myself as a full-time artist, overseeing some remodeling work on the house (I finally have a downstairs bath, rather than a powder room), and, of course, the holidays fell in the midst of all this. I am happy to report that the holiday decorations did get taken down and put away before the end of January, and that the house is clean enough that I'm not embarrassed by it if people visit. Even the studio is moderately tidy!

This is the conundrum I'm currently pondering, along with listening to an audiobook and threading heddles on Mongo (my beloved Macomber loom): Do I spend my time doing [fill in the blank] or do I spend my time writing about it? I seem to be having trouble finding the balance point between those two poles. I can't, for the life of me, figure out how Eleanor Roosevelt managed to do it all: travel, lecture, teach, oversee New Deal programs, correspond with a wide group of people, attend meetings, be active in national and international politics, and write a nationally syndicated newspaper column six days a week. I don't think she slept between the end of WWI and her death in 1962. I can't work at that pace: I'm too inherently lazy, and I need to sleep on a regular basis.

On the other hand, if I put something on a regular schedule, it gets done. I've done this with the general housekeeping (Mondays), and the grocery shopping (first business day of the month), so it should work for regular blog posts. Sometimes, it may be nothing more than a pretty picture, because pretty pictures make the day nicer; at other times, it may be a regular blog post, complete with pictures. We'll just have to wait and see what I can come up with.

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